BioChem: Week 3
Since class (September 23), I’ve been revisiting “TCM Solutions Helpful in Fighting COVID-19” and hearing Suzanne’s share coursing through my memory about an intention towards helping her in-laws transform from a conventional, food farm into an medicinal, herbal farm. I feel like a TCM solution, to borrow the article’s title, is for the people to really take back our Medicine. By “our Medicine,” I mean to say our innate capacity to heal; to tend; to give and receive care that is Earth-centered. Naturally, all of us won’t be acupuncturists or herbalists or farmers, but we each can find our role in reclaiming solutions to help heal ourselves and our communities.
Misophonia? I have not ever come across someone with such a strong aversion to noises that they feel called to violence (like Denys’ patient) or compulsive disorders. I imagine that would be a really hard way to move throughout the world and I wonder if bird song or crickets harmonies elicit the same response as human-made noises?