Chaos ; Symmetry ; Science
Ordered Chaos The first thing that comes to mind is the ordered, thoughtful disruption we are seeing as a direct challenge to overthrow a system of oppression. Without order or a plan, we would be facing another Occupy when demonstrations were made en masse but demands were not clear enough for change to happen. Without the protests and disruption to the status quo, the present “order” or reigning power would not feel challenged. Organizations supporting the global Black Lives Matter movement seems to be a representation of how order and chaos describe and define change.
Consciousness out of Chaos
In studying Tui Na, I’ve learned how the Heart is the seat of the Shen. Shen has been described as the conscious mind and the connection to one’s Higher Self. Consciousness seems like a cosmic soup that we all have access to and the degree to which we attend to it is the degree to which we are aware of and awake in our surroundings. Consciousness also seems to be a measure by which we allow ourselves to be changed and to change. Change is a by-product of chaos within a system and also a measure of chaos within a system. Without disorder, or chaos or change, we would never grow; we wouldn’t be able to move beyond the confines of our limited perspective or state of consciousness.
my (a)symmetrical world
One hip sometimes gets stuck and one shoulder sits higher than the other. My left foot is a half shoe size longer than my right and you may not notice my eyes are two different sizes but I take note every time I look in the mirror. I look around my garden at rose petals and leaves of the morning glory vines that claims the fence surrounding our yard. At first glance all leaves seem symmetrical but when I move closer, I can find slight variations. I wonder if the variation in the leaf is a evidence of how the wind blew a little stronger from the west on the days the leaf was forming. Maybe it’s the expression of gravity acting on the pod as it sat on the vine waiting to unfurl. Maybe, it’s simply unique self-expression and the gift of individuation // an asymmetrical world.
science experiment
I gave this mission to my nephews but I think they got distracted …