Classical physics : Sacred Geometry : E-Prime

Classical Physics C.P. Snow’s memory device for remembering the three laws of thermodynamics will stay with me and can be applied to the healing process. Similar to thermodynamics, in healing, you cannot win. I take this to represent that - since nothing is created nor destroyed - a person’s progress or healing represents their innate capacity to transform. This is important messaging for our patients and for us. People need to know they have all that it takes to be well.

The second law, "you cannot break even,” offers a valuable perspective in supporting ourselves and our patients in the healing and growing process. Sometime it can seem like we’ve made progress and that we slide backwards but with the help of this adage, we can know that progress is always forward, never straight. IN other words, we don’t go backwards but actually we’re always moving in and out of chaos and order and each chaotic state has presents a chance to come to order that will break us again but with a new level of consciousness or awareness.

Finally, you cannot get out of the game helps us remember that there is no finish line (other than death) when it comes to healing - the whole process is one of transformation and change. It’s important as a practitioner to remember this so we don’t think that we are doing the healing.

Sacred Geometry will influence my work by continuously looking at the body as another model of sacred geometry. With fractals, we see shapes repeating and that a singe point, if focused on, contains the whole. Same is true for the body - every body part reflects the whole.

E-Prime seems to have made a strong impact on me because I cannot stop thinking about it. I cannot stop trying to shift my language away from the verb to be. The process of de-centering myself and releasing attachments to things representing a fixed state feels liberating to me. How fun!